Top 10 Presentation Tips for CBSE Board Exams 2019

Top 10 Presentation Tips for CBSE Board Exams 2019 

: The CBSE board exams have started and the fixation about marks and positioning has effectively set in for students. After working hard and studying for a year, realize what could attract you closer to getting that ideal score you aimed for.
While pre-exam preparations play an important role in scoring, take a look at the presentation tips to follow during the exam. All the best!

Presentation Tips for CBSE Board Exams 2019

  • Handwriting

Handwriting plays an important role in the presentation of your answer sheet. Regardless of whether you have composed great quality content, poor handwriting could destroy your marks. A portion of the interesting points while composing are the thickness of your letters, ink stream from your pen, satisfactory dispersing among words and uniform letter sizes for good readability.

  • Time Your Answers 

Timing is critical, not only to finish the paper inside the given time yet additionally for good presentation. When you rush writing the answers, the handwriting could go for a toss, you tend to forget the important points, you won't have adequate time to check your answers, etc. So make sure to time your answers well ahead.

  • Succinct Writing 

You don't need to write all that you know for each answer. Contingent upon the marks, it is crucial to keep your word limit less or more. Be to the point dependably. For 1 or 2 marks, don't write long replies. A few keywords and points are essential parts of definitions. Correspondingly, the equation must have every one of the components. So recognize what sort of focuses and length each answer needs relying upon the subject.

  • Maintain Good Grammar And Spellings 

Despite the fact that you are strong subject-wise, if your language abilities are poor, it could end up being an enormous impediment in getting great marks. You have to work on improving your communication skills while writing the appropriate responses to such an extent that the point that you need to pass on is advanced completely clear.

  • Highlight Keywords 

It isn't sufficiently only to recognize and write the imperative points for an answer. You need to keep in touch with them and highlight them. Highlight the vital keywords, for the most part the specialized terms in each subject to make it clear that you have not forgotten any mandatory points. This gives a decent impression about you to the examiner whose correction task turns out to be simple because of clear presentation. Impulsively, you will get additional marks for presentation, along these lines. 

  • Be Careful With Answer Numbers 

All done and introduced, what a vital let down it would be in the event that you had numbered the answers wrongly! The terrible news is that the redress will be stringent in this angle. Regardless of whether you have amazingly written an answer, but have given the number of the previous question, you would be marked zero. So be more  attentive with the answer numbers. Go through like five minutes after the exam to check if every answers were written against the correct numbers.

  • Give Examples 

For long answers, it is always good to have a value addition with examples. The plan of CBSE exam is with the end goal that the comprehension of the student is given more significance than memory. So separated from the definitions and clarification you have remembered, bundle your answer with the examples from your comprehension for better lucidity and marks.

  • Draw Mild Lines 

When you begin with a new page, draw mellow lines with your pencil so your sentences don't incline. You could keep up a consistency in the arrangement if you do this.

  • Keep The Last Page For Rough Calculations 

Be it science or maths, you may have issues or little questions to explain in written format. Assign the last page for this reason so that you don't have any scruffy scribblings on different sheets.

  • Use Single Colour Pen For Writing 

If your ink gets over in the middle of the exam, ensure that you have an additional refill for a similar kind of pen so the colour does not change. The explanation behind keeping up a similar colour is to keep up consistency and to not make pointless doubt about misbehavior. You could utilize black for highlighting.


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